Trade Madness and Team Articles!

Also another rule discussion


What an opening few days here in the FOHL! Since our team dispersal draft (which can now be found in the History section). FOHL front office has processed 28 trades! 88 players and 48 draft picks have already been traded! Barrie and Guelph both lead the way with 7 trades each. Also 17 out of 20 teams have made a trade! Amazing and wild times in the FOHL!

Check out the transactions page for the latest deals!

Team Articles, I encourage any GM who wants to write team articles or press releases. If you do one, submit it to [email protected] and it will be posted on the frontpage. As the league continues to grow and we add more automation to the website. This process will be more immediate and direct in the near future. But for now, submit via email and it'll be posted on the site. All news is also archived under the News section. There will be bonuses for teams who write articles, just trying to figure out exactly what we can do.

Lastly, I'd like to discuss another potential rule in the FOHL. "Conditional Trades". Right now there is no rule for or against conditional trades or teams adding conditions to trades. So we need to pick a side as a league. I tend to lean towards not allowing conditions at all. But if there is a loud voice to allow them, I will listen. Conditional trades are hard to manage and track. Also I hope every GM is in the FOHL for the long haul, but we have to protect against a potential new GM coming in and taking over a team thats riddled with conditional moves made by the previous GM. Again I'd like to see a hard rule against conditions. But let's debate it in Slack and see what the league wants to do.

Reminder, Captains are due soon and take a double/triple look over your roster and send me any errors.

Happy trading!